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Passage 3

Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. In primitive societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, for anything in the marketplace that he or she considered to be of equal value. Barter, however, was a very unsatisfactory system because people’s precise needs seldom met. People needed a more practical system of exchange, and various money systems developed. Cattle grain, teeth, shells, feathers, skulls, salt, elephant tusks, and tobacco had all been used. Precious metals gradually took over because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value.

钱用于购买或销售商品、 测量值和存储的财富。在原始的社会用易货的系统。易货商品直接交流制度。有人可以交换一只羊,例如,在市场上的任何东西他或她应视为同等价值。易货,因为人的确切需要很少得到满足,但是,是很不理想的系统。人们需要一种更实用的系统的交流,和开发各种货币系统。黄牛皮、 牙齿、 贝壳、 羽毛、 头骨、 盐、 象牙和烟草了所有被使用。贵金属逐步接受因为是制成硬币,他们是便携式、 耐用、 辨认,和可分到更大、 更小单位的值。

A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped, which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Until the 18th and 19th centuries, coins were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based on face value --- the value that the governments choose in them, which doesn’t show the actual metal content. Coins have been made of gold, silver, copper, aluminum, nickel, lead, zinc, and plastic. Most governments now issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really “promises to pay”. Paper money is easier to handle and more convenient in the modern world. Checks and credit cards are being used increasingly, and it is possible to imagine a world where “money” in the form of coins and paper currency will no longer be used.

一枚硬币是一块金属,通常圆盘形,附有刻字、 设计或显示其值的数字。直到 18 和 19 世纪,硬币得到金钱价值基于金属当中所载的确切数量,但最现代的硬币基于票面价值---政府选择在他们,而不显示实际的金属含量的值。金、 银、 铜、 铝、 镍、 铅、 锌、 塑料方面取得了硬币。大多数国家的政府现在发行纸币的条例草案,这真是承诺支付形式。纸币是现代世界中的处理变得更容易、 更方便。正在越来越多地使用支票和信用卡,它是可以想象的世界将不再使用的纸币和硬币窗体中的'钱'。

1.Barter here means ( C ) Barter 在这里的意思是

A. exchanging goods for money

B. exchanging money goods for

C. exchanging goods for goods物品和物品之间的直接交换。

D. exchanging a sheep for anything in the market

2. Why were precious metals gradually used for making coins? ( D ) 为什么贵金属逐步用于制作硬币?

A. Because they were durable and portable. 因为他们是耐用和便于携带

B. Because they were recognizable. 因为他们是可识别的。

C. Because they were divisible. 因为他们整除。

D. All of the above. 上述都是

3. Coins were given value according to exact amount of metals contained in them ( A ) 硬币给定值根据金属在其中所含的确切数额是在

A. before the 18th and 19th centuries. 18、 19 世纪前

B. after the 18th and 19th centuries. 18、 19 世纪后

C. during the 18th and 19th centuries在 18 和 19 世纪

D. between the 18th and 19th centuries 18、 19 世纪之间

4. “promises to pay” means ( B ) 承诺支付”是指

A.possibilities to pay B.obligations to pay义务支付 C.necessities to pay D.opportunities to pay

5. A world without any money in the form of coins and paper is ( C ). 没有任何钱的硬币和纸张形式的世界是

A.suitable B.necessary C.possible有可能的 D.avoidable

Passage 4

Not long ago there was a man is New York. He jogged into Central Park every morning. He always took a five-dollar bill with him in his top pocket. He jogged into the park and went to the shop by the lake. He always bought himself a coffee and a doughnut (炸圈饼).


One day he jogged into the park and another jogger knocked into him. For a few moments he didn’t think about it, then he suddenly thought, “Hey! This guy might be a pickpocket!” He felt for his five-dollar bill in his pocket. It wasn’t there! The other buy had taken it! He thought,” There is too much crime in New York! I always say honest people must fight crime”

他到公园里慢跑的一天,和另一个慢跑撞到他。一会儿,他并不认为这件事,然后他突然想到,'嘿 !这家伙可能是个扒手 !'他在他的口袋里摸他 5 美元的钞票。它不在那里 !其他买了它 !他认为,在纽约有太多的犯罪 !我总是说诚实的人必须打击犯罪'

The other jogger was only 30 meters ahead. The first jogger ran after him, hit him no the shoulder, and said, “Give me the money!” the second jogger said,” OK! Just stay cool! Take it easy! Take it easy!”


Then the second jogger gave the first jogger a five-dollar bill. The second jogger then ran away as fast as he could! The first jogger ran to the shop. He felt really good. He had fought crime. He had got his money back again. He bought himself a coffee and two doughnuts.

然后第二个慢跑者给第一次的慢跑者五美元的钞票。第二个慢跑者就跑开了和他一样快 !第一次的慢跑者跑到那家商店。他感觉很好。他打的是犯罪。他又已经回到了他的钱。他给自己买了一杯咖啡和两个炸卷饼。

Then he ran home. His wife was waiting. She was shaking her head. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” she said, “You’ve had a bad morning, haven’t you?”

然后他跑回家,他的妻子在等待。她摇头。'噢亲爱的 !噢亲爱的 !'她说,'你有一个坏的早晨,不是吗?'

“No, Why? I’ve had a very good morning!” he said.

“Really?” she said,”But you left your five-dollar bill on the table”

'不,为什么?我已经有一个很好的早晨 !'他说。'真的吗? 她说,'但桌子上留了五美元的钞票

1.Every morning the man would do the flooowing except ( D ) 每天早晨这个男人会做什么

A.taking a five-dollar bill with him

B.jogging into a park

C.buying a a coffee and two doughnut for himself

D.meeting friends in Central Park.在中央公园见朋友

2.The men ran after the other jogger because ( C ) 男子追其他慢跑者,因为后者

A.the latter ran ahead of him

B.the two were having a race

C.he thought the latter was a thief 他认为,后者是贼

D.the latter had run into him.

3. The second jogger finally ran away as fast as he could beause ( C ) 第二个慢跑者终于跑了他可能一样快

A.he had already been caught once

B. he was in a hurry to go to work

C.he probably thought that the man would run after him again他也许认为他能跑去追上他了

D.he felt very tuilty

4.The first jogger felt very good for ( A )

A.he thought he had fought crime and won 他认为他有打击犯罪,赢了

B.he could run faster than the sceond jogger

C.he had two doughnuts that morning

D.he could go to the shop now

5.Which of the follwing is Not Ture according to the passage? ( B ) .下列的这篇文章是不是真的?

A.There was a lot of crime in New York. 有很多在纽约的犯罪。

B.The second jogger stole a five-dollar bill from the first jogger. 第二个慢跑者从第一个慢跑者偷了五美元的钞票.

C.The first jogger wanted to be an honest man. 第一个的慢跑者想要一个诚实的人。

D.The first jogger made a foolish mistake that morning. 第一慢跑者在那天早上犯愚蠢的错误。

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项目 考试时间 报名时间
自考 1、4、7、10月 在线报名
成人高考 10月28、29日 在线报名
远程教育 3月、9月 在线报名